Webmoney Bitcoin
Enable Webmoney
Gateway URL: https://www.webmoney.ru
In your account in List of purses and Activate the Bitcoin and WMZ-purse Please set the following fields for both purses: Test/Wok modes: Set it to work Merchant name: Set it to choose your merchant name Secret key: Set it to choose a secret key for your purse, don't check Send to Result URL in case the privacy is provided Secret Key x20: Set it to don't set it Result Url: Set it to don't set it, Check Send parameters in the preliminary inquiry Proxy for Result URL: Choose if available if not, choose another one Merchant name: Set it to choose your merchant name Success URL: Set it to don't set it Fail URL and method of requesting: Set it to don't set it Let to use URL sent in form: Check it Send notification to keeper in case of payment error: Check it Control sign forming method: Set it to SHA256 Necessarily require transaction acceptance through CMC: Set it to OFF Necessarily require signature payment form: Set it to OFF Process payments with unique only Imi_payment_no: Set it to OFF Additional payment methods Here you can set what payment methods you want, for Payment acceptance through Bitcoin please enable it just for Bitcoin Purse
Webmoney WMX Purse
The purse id for WMX-purse, is the first column in your account in List of purses
Webmoney WMX purse Secret Key
The secret key you set it for your WMX-purse at first step
Last updated
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