View your orders

By pressing on Orders you will be redirected to the orders table.

The headers from the table represents:

  • ID - the order transaction ID, with this ID you can match the order in your payment gateway account

  • Added - the date when the order was made. Made doesn't mean completed

  • Expires - the day when the order expires

  • Products - by clicking the small information icon, a box will appear where you can see what products the user has bought

  • Total/Profit - is your profit on that order

  • Latest Payment - is the status of the latest payment on that order

By selecting one order, the Payments button will become enable and, by pressing it, you can view the payments for that order.

The headers from the table represents:

  • Transaction ID - is the ID of the payment, you can use this ID to search for this payment in your payment gateway account

  • Date Added - the date when the payment was added

  • Total - the total amount of the payment, includes VAT if enabled

  • Profit - the money you made on this payment, includes VAT if enabled

  • Gateway - the payment gateway which the user used to pay

  • Status - if the payment was completed

  • Options - if the order has an invoice, here you can download the invoice, the same one that was sent to the user's email.

Last updated