Set up google social login

In order to let your users to sign up & login to your site using google social sign in, you will need 2 things, a key and a secret key, follow the steps bellow in order to configure it.


Go to google cloud console, here: In the top left, click on Select a project

Set a name for your project and click create.

Select your new project and in the left sidebar select APIs & Services and Oauth consent screen

Here select External and after that click Create

At Scopes add the following scopes: - openid - /auth/ - /auth/userinfo.profile And press UPDATE. After adding scopes press SAVE AND CONTINUE.


In the left sidebar select select Credentials

Here select Create credentials and select OAuth client ID

Application type -> Web application Name -> any name you want Authorized JavaScript origins -> nothing to do Authorized redirect URIs -> add https://ipn.EXAMPLE.COM/complete/google-oauth2/, replace EXAMPLE.COM with your domain And click Create

!!!!! You will be prompt with 2 keys, save those keys.!!! Your Client ID -> Is Google Social Login Key Your Client Secret -> Is Google Social Secret key


Go to OAuth consent screen and under Publishing status select Publish App


Get the key you created and add them to your affiliate site, after the app google approved your modifications.

Last updated